.From The Editor

Greg 12There are less than three weeks until the elections. How knowledgeable are you about what’s at stake—not just nationally, but closer to home? One of the more buzz-worthy propositions on this year’s local ballot is Prop 37, which would mandate the labeling any foods that fall under the genetically modified umbrella. We delve into the topic this week in two interviews that should capture your attention. The first is with bestselling author and all-around food advocate Michael Pollan, who hits Santa Cruz this week in a spirited discussion dubbed “Every Body Eats.”

Pollan is best known, perhaps, for his gripping reads “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food,” along with other countless magazine articles. In our interview with Pollan, we uncover what’s at stake if Prop 37 doesn’t pass and also talk about the current Farm Bill waiting to be approved by Congress. Beyond that, Pollan opens up about his interesting life path and what led him to become such a passionate pioneer for the Food Movement. In addition to Pollan, learn more about GMO-Free Santa Cruz and Tarah Locke, the woman who helped launch the organization that is raising the level of awareness about GMOs locally and beyond.

Speaking of food … no trip back home to Chicago can be experienced without an abundance of home-cooked meals from my Polish mother and aunt, who, for the first time in my entire life—surprising as it is—taught me last week how to make pierogi. If you ever find yourself complaining about boiling water for a basic pasta dish, then you may find comfort in the fact that these two amazing women not only memorized a miraculous recipe, handed down to them from their mother back in Poland, but somehow still have the wherewithal to make something like dough, actually roll it out, cut out sections and prepare any type of filling that would go inside the pierogi. These women cannot do anything in 140 characters or less. (Sorry Twitter, but thank God!) All this to say, it was a wonderful reminder to slow down and not only create a food experience, but connect to it as well. I’m sure you “get” this. More on Polish people and my recent trip to Poland next week.

Meanwhile, make your meals matter this week. Onward …

Greg Archer | Editor-in-Chief

Letters to the Editor

Stepping Up—or Not?
McPherson missed opportunity to engage with the San Lorenzo Valley 5th District Community

On Sept. 27 in Ben Lomond, the United Way hosted a workshop to educate and engage the SLV Community on AB109 Prisoner Realignment. The invitation described the event as a way for the community “to work together with our elected officials and decision makers to create a criminal justice system that fosters accountability, dignity and safety for all.” It was informative and inclusive.

I was pleased, but not surprised, to see Eric Hammer in attendance, given his interest in governing through community engagement. I was seriously disappointed that Bruce McPherson was not there. Mr. McPherson has said that his state connections will be important as we realign resources to counties. But it’s not enough. As County Corrections has demonstrated, community education and input are critical.

Forward to Oct. 2 at a candidates’ forum in Felton; Hammer and McPherson presented their positions. They were followed by the SLV Water Board candidates. Mr. McPherson did not stay for their forum; Eric Hammer was there.

Mr. McPherson has not convinced me that the voice of the community will be a part of his governing approach. I’m voting for Eric Hammer for 5th District Supervisor on Nov. 6.
Judi Sherman
Ben Lomond

Online Comments
On ‘A Place To Call Home
The 180 may be deserving of all this special treatment, but why do I get the impression that they are low-hanging fruit to make Don Lane look good in an election year? It seems that it shows that our social services don’t coordinate well and people suffer as a result.
Don Honda

I am so proud that this veteran who served his county in war can be housed and made healthy here in Santa Cruz County. Kudos to the 180/180 campaign. I look forward to hearing the stories of the next 179 vunerable, homeless people you help to find homes.
Mary Lou Goeke


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