

Up to a dozen families in two mobile home parks in Santa Cruz County could be greatly impacted by the proposed Ultimate Trail next to tracks in Segments 10 & 11 of the rail corridor. Residents in Blue and Gold Star (First District) and Castle Mobile Estates (City of Capitola) are at risk.

The problem is encroachment of homes into the corridor Right-of-Way, confirmed by a survey provided by the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). The RTC is obligated to speak only with the park owners, not with residents.

The two parks were built in the mid-1960s to 1970s, long before the RTC purchased the corridor. Current park owners are responsible for the encroachment.

Park residents are just now learning about this situation, even though the RTC has known about it for over two years. The Board of Supervisors was alerted to this situation in November 2021 via a letter from its Mobile and Manufactured Home Commission.

The Draft EIR (p. 646) for 10 & 11 suggests how relocation be accomplished in mobile home parks: “physically moving the mobile homes several feet,” … “replace the mobile home with a slightly smaller structure”… “or move the mobile home to another nearby mobile home park …”).

None of those ideas are realistic. A mind-numbing EIR conclusion is that since “the Project would not result in the displacement of substantial numbers of existing people or housing … the impact would be less than significant. No mitigation is required.”

Two alternatives exist. Building the Optional First Phase of the Ultimate Trail (12′ – 16′ wide) or Alternative 1 (12′ – 16′ wide Trail Only), both down the center of the corridor, could result in no dislocation of homes or residents.

Deadline for comments on the DEIR is Dec. 15. A hard copy is at the Live Oak Library or County Parks Dept . Online via https://www.dpw.santacruzcounty.us/Home/TransportationRoads/CoastalRailTrail.aspx

Jean Brocklebank | Live Oak


I live in Scotts Valley and make regular daily trips to Santa Cruz proper. In the last year or so, I’ve noticed at least 5 accidents (2 of which I know were fatal) on the El Rancho Drive exit heading north (one just last night). It’s been very concerning as the accidents appear to be occurring at all times of day (many in the morning) and from the few news reports, don’t always involve controlled substances. To me, the issue has to do with the design of the exit (it’s very sharp) and the question is, what safety measures could Caltrans take to mitigate it? I’m honestly unsure if Caltrans is aware of the problem. I’m not a reporter but this is definitely a potential news story so I thought I’d reach out as I’d really like to know more. Thank you for your time and consideration.

David Silva-Espinoza | Scotts Valley, CA


Since Brad Kava took  over I’ve enjoyed his intelligent “editorial notes.” I’ve also greatly appreciated the absence of loathsome puns in the titles of all articles. I hope that continues. As a long-  time lover of public radio, I appreciated the piece on local radio stations and I feel compelled to correct some errors in the print about KSQD and KUSP. I don’t know if Rachel told Stockton wrong or he fabricated  statements, but many are wrong. I have been a music programmer at KSQD since we first went on air in February of 2018. We celebrated our first birthday in February of 2019. Covid first showed up in China in December,  2019. Lockdown in the USA began in March, 2020.

 I began as a music programmer at KUSP in 1983 and was there until the end in 2015. KUSP was broadcasting NPR’s Morning Edition, ATC and Fresh Air when I started there. They also broadcast the Monterey Jazz Festival, Cabrillo Music Festival, Carmel Bach Festival and made hundreds of recordings of concerts with their remote van. When Terry Green took over as manager, he eliminated some local shows and a sad day it was. He did not fire all the local programmers. KUSP ‘s demise came about  when CSUMB took over KAZU and made them an NPR station. Because they are a university station, they get NPR at a much lower price than KUSP paid. A downward spiral ensued.

 Rachel is a very intelligent, multi- talented,  gifted person and her perseverance got a fine community radio going here.  We are very grateful to her for not giving up. However,it could not have debuted sounding as professional as it did without the experience, knowledge, and willingness of the 30- plus former KUSP volunteer programmers in all music genres who weren’t mentioned in the article. Thank you.
C. Odom

Input into how the freeway should look

The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission is hosting a community open house to obtain public input on concepts for aesthetic design elements for the Highway 1 Auxiliary Lanes, Bus-on-Shoulder Facility (State Park Drive to Freedom Boulevard) & Coastal Rail Trail Segment 12 project. The open house is on Dec. 5, 2023, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Aptos Beach Drive in Aptos.

The proposed project will include multimodal improvements including enhancing traffic and safety operations on Highway 1, auxiliary lanes and a bus-on-shoulder facilities, and Segment 12 of the Coastal Rail Trail providing 1.2 miles of bicycle and pedestrian trail. There are many highway and rail trail infrastructure assets that are being considered for aesthetic elements to effectively blend with the character of the town of Aptos, such as retaining walls, sound walls, bicycle/pedestrian bridges, fencing, landscaping, and public art.

The open house will provide information about the design inspiration and illustrations for some of the aesthetic concepts, as well as an overall project update. Additionally, community members can attend to share their feedback on the aesthetic design elements and learn how they can stay involved in the project.

To learn more and stay up to date, visit the project website at www.bit.ly/StatePark-FreedomBlvd.


  1. Thank you for bringing this important item to local readers. Possibly a lot fewer people will be thinking that construction of an ‘ultimate’ trail adjacent to the tracks – at least until we see the ongoing rail study results to determine if a train is even practical or affordable – is such a good idea when they know that these plans require the removal of 10 or more mobile homes – to where? And who pays for that?

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