What is a good time on a rainy day for you?

I enjoy working at Verve when it’s raining, and I like to go to the library on campus; it’s nice and quiet on rainy days. I have a beautiful window at my house, and I love looking at the rain outside through the window.
Miranda Palladino, 23, Barista, UCSC Student

Going to a favorite coffee shop, hanging out with friends and having stimulating conversation. In a micro-rain, more than a mist but lighter than drizzle, I love walking down by the beach—everything is more alive.
Jeff Rogge, 61, “Plant Person” at Alladin Nursery, Watsonville

I like to drink coffee and watch movies in bed on a rainy day. Horror movies are my favorite.
Lila Franco, 21, Barista, Education Major at UCSC

When the rain is light, and with the right guitar, I love to busk in the rain. You have a totally different audience—they love walking in the rain, and seeing a street performer, they’re excited.
Joyful Heart, 60, Musician, Street Talk Regular

When I’m walking my dog Rocky, I like that so few people are out, I love the quiet. And it’s nice knowing that the rain ameliorates the drought.
Greg Coben, 75, Retired Attorney, Voice of Rocky

Loves playing in water of any kind. Especially loves duck hunting in the rain.
“Rocky,” 20 months, Golden Retriever