I think that media outlets’ agendas are only going to get stronger, and the way they report the news will be more influenced by those agendas rather than truth.
Ariel Benlevi
Santa Cruz | Sous Chef / Johnny’s Harborside
More headlines and shorter stories. You know, the news in 140 characters or less.
Jamie Anderson
Salinas | Veterinary Technician
I think that people are going to turn to social media for their news instead of mainstream media outlets.
Lauren Hoffman
San Francisco | Chef
It seems that journalism has become more about sensationalism to gain viewership rather than seeking out and reporting on actual news. There’s something wrong when celebrity breakups are bigger headlines than international events. Unfortunately, I think this trend will only continue.
Maya Crelan
Santa Cruz | Student
Obviously, most people read their news online today, and I see more censorship on the Internet. Over the next two years, people need to search harder to find the truth. Hopefully innovative journalists will make an effort to maintain objectivity and develop new sources of media that confront the mainstream.
Heidi Smith
San Francisco | Journalist / Blogger