.Opinion: Is It Year in Review Time Already

Let us help you remember, even though you’d probably rather forget


Steve Palopoli editor good times santa cruz california

Wait, can it possibly be Year in Review time again? How is that possible? Oh, right, because a whole year’s worth of crazy crap happened. I forgot there for a second!

But you can experience it all again—or at least page through it between checking updates on whether or not Elon Musk has finally decided to just upload himself into Twitter so he can mainline the world’s attention around the clock—by reading our cover story this week. With pretty much the whole staff contributing, I always feel like Year in Review is one of our weirdest and wildest issues every year, and this one is no exception. It’s full of odd, unfortunate and even mysterious events; the things that gave us hope, the things that grossed us out and the things that made us cringe, facepalm or drop to our knees, tear our shirt in anguish and scream to the heavens “WHY?” (To be fair, only one of us did that last one, and it was only the one time.)Ultimately, it’s all in fun, and we hope it allows you to look back and laugh. If it also makes you say, “Gee, I wish there was a way to make things better for the people who had to go through all this in 2022”—well, what a coincidence, we are rounding into the home stretch of our Santa Cruz Gives campaign, and you can go to santacruzgives.org and help more than 60 local nonprofits in their work for our community. Happy Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or whatever you may be celebrating over the next week!


STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND BREATHE Just a friendly reminder in the middle of the holiday season, brought to you by Seacliff Beach. Photograph by Elizabeth Good.

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For once, we can feel good about feeding the parking meter, instead of cursing the parking overlords while searching the car for another quarter. The city is hosting its Parking for Hope holiday parking program, where it will donate the proceeds from the street meters to Hope Services. Hope Services keeps downtown streets clean, and employs and trains adults with developmental disabilities. The program runs from Sunday, Dec. 18, through Sunday, Dec. 25.



Last week, Community Bridges officially announced its hiring of Tony Nuñez, former Good Times News Editor, as their marketing and communications manager. We know he’s going to do amazing work at the nonprofit, but we’ll miss reading his unique and captivating reporting. We’re also excited to announce that our own tireless and talented reporter Aiyana Moya will be taking over as GT’s News Editor, and we can’t wait to see what she’ll do!


“Humans, not places, make memories.”

Ama Ata Aidoo


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