.Senior Project 2016

Feelings, nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my... oh, hi! Didn’t see you there. I was just thinking about how personal some of the stories get in this issue.
In general, we write a lot in Senior Project about what kinds of social trends people of a certain age are facing or creating, and try to offer an alternative take on what we all can be doing with our so-called retirement years. But this time around, the stories have a lot more of an emotional, even confessional quality than I was expecting. From Brad Kava’s frankness about the challenges and rewards of being a 60-year-old new dad, to Richard Stockton’s alternately sobering and funny recounting of his snore-induced brush with mortality, to my own attempt to explain how Netflix changed my relationship with my dad, people kind of poured their hearts out in these pages. There is some really moving insight into the project we all undertake when we start being known to the rest of the world as a “senior.” Can Oprah as guest editor of the next issue be far behind? Stay tuned!
Senior Project 2016: The Guide


Good Old Dad: Confessions of a 60-year-old new father, by Brad Kava
Overcoming Sleep Apnea: What I did when snoring was no longer a laughing matter, by Richard Stockton
Dad and Me and Netflix: What happened when I stopped making fun of my dad’s trouble with technology and started embracing it, by Steve Palopoli
Zumba on the High Seas: Fitness is the newest reason to cruise, by June Smith
55+ Meetups in Santa Cruz County: Santa Cruz’s underground supply of activity groups, by Maria Grusauskas


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