In Fantasy or Sci-Fi, what’s your favorite movie?

I’m a Rocky Horror Picture Show kinda gal. I do the shadow shows at the Del Mar, and I’ve probably seen the movie upward of 100 times. It’s a perfect blend of comedy and sci-fi, you know? It’s so much fun. Â
Eleven Turoff, 20, UCSC Theater Major

Star Wars is my favorite franchise, especially the original Trilogy. It’s not really science fiction, more like fantasy. It taps into The Hero’s Journey, based around Kurosawa movies, like Hidden Fortress.
Alex Hubbard, 34, Games Expert, Level Up Video Games

Star Wars, I love the plot. I grew up watching Star Wars, so it’s kind of a nostalgia movie for me —and my favorite character is Padmé.
Julia Gompertz, 20, UCSC Education/Politics Major

I always like fantasy. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy I really like. Is it my favorite? It’s the one I watch the most, at least. The cinematography is great but also the background and how expansive the movies end up being.
Gavin Stillwell, 21, UCSC Anthropology Major

The Hunger Games. I read all the books growing up. My mom wouldn’t let me watch the movies until I had read the books. I remember specifically the first book made me cry.
Bella Orlando, UCSC Legal Studies/Politics Major, Barista @Lulu’s on Pacific

The original Alien. I like science fiction horror, and I like the atmosphere, the style and the design of Alien.
Kiernan Stillwell, 17, Student