What are the little things that make you happy?

Bees asleep on flowers — under special circumstances. I used to work at a farm, and we would often see little bees before the sun was fully up, asleep on the flowers.
Sarah Carruth, 39, Cabrillo Horticulture Major

Running into people I know, like when I’m Downtown, or anywhere in Santa Cruz, just spontaneously.
Eldritch Alvarez, 22, Juggler

Sunsets that are orange and pink, especially around Scotts Valley. I really like to see them at the park, like the sunset over the mountains.
Leona Agrella, 14, Student

Walking Downtown at 9am, the pure quiet, the seagulls and the ocean. The peacefulness of the morning and enjoying nature. I’m a late sleeper, but I’ve had to be up early for work. One day it just totally caught me off guard. The atmosphere just completely captured me.
Samuel Spivey, 19, Pizza My Heart on Pacific / UCSC Computer Science Major

Bubbles. Clouds. Kids playing. Small animals, like puppies, kittens, birds. Good food. Music, especially on the street here downtown.
Trinity Hinde, 20, Portal of Love on Pacific Av

A good walk. All kinds of weather. And any time with my son, anything, any time. He’s just 4, so he keeps me young.
Aaron Drake, 48, Massage Therapist / Teacher