“Optimism for the bounty that tomorrow holds for our civilization. And spending time at the ocean to continue to bring nourishing food to Santa Cruz.”
Ian O’Hollaren
Santa Cruz
Commercial Kelp Harvester

“Mother nature. Knowing that she is in a time of need more than ever now. We need to be making more conscious choices about our purchases and everything that we’re doing in our daily lives.”
Dary Williams
Santa Cruz
Greenhouse Operations

“Having people I love that I can spend this time with. Right now I’m still working, so I still have income. I just know that we’re going to get through this.”
Zoe Wilschinsky
Human Resources

“My kids are keeping me really busy, and I’m cooking a lot and getting outside.”
Taflyn Wilschinsky
Santa Cruz
Physical Therapist

“Supporting my friends and my family, and being there to stay connected to my community.”