.Letter to the Editor: Stand for Gun Reform

A letter to the editor of Good Times

Re: “Santa Cruz and Racism” (Letters, 6/8): My daughter and son-in-law, both elementary school teachers, will be returning to the U.S. after eight years teaching abroad in Singapore. With another school shooting in Texas, I am loath to think that my two young grandchildren, both born abroad, will not have a life free from the threat of violence, even in their elementary school. I remember having “earthquake drills,” getting under desks and holding our heads while in my earliest school days in San Francisco. Now children need to be taught how to be “still and silent” when there is an active shooter in their school! How horrifying is that?

They are thinking about moving to Canada for the sake of my grandbabies. I am heartbroken and way-too-sad to think about the state of the politics in this country that does nothing about this senseless violence. We need to stand for gun reform, non-violence, anti-racist, human services, social justice and love for our fellows. Otherwise, we are lost.  

Linda Sutherland

Santa Cruz

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