.Things To Do (Virtually) in Santa Cruz: April 8-14

Because in-person events across Santa Cruz County have been canceled or postponed following the shelter-in-place order, Good Times is compiling a weekly list of virtual events hosted by local artisans, artists, fitness instructors and businesses. To submit your virtual event, send an email to ca******@go*******.sc


VIEWABLE VIA SOCIAL MEDIA: CABRILLO GALLERY EXHIBIT ‘SIX YEARS SMITTEN: OBJECTS OF ADORNMENT.’ We miss seeing you take your time so generously with the artwork in our gallery. But this too shall pass and we will be able to gallivant around to different venues again someday and bump elbows. In the meantime, we hope you are making the most of hunkering down at home; tidying up, being creative, or continuing work remotely. Since there are over 150 pieces in the show, we are posting regularly on Facebook and Instagram, so you can get a daily inspirational dose of the artwork. You don’t even have to join Facebook to just tune in and see the images. They are available to everyone; you can sidestep the prompt that comes up to join or log in. 

SANTA CRUZ MAKER’S MARKET As events in Santa Cruz face cancelation into May, the SCM Makers Market has rallied to create an online marketplace as an alternative sales outlet for local artists. On March 22, The Santa Cruz Virtual Makers Marketplace opened as the online fill-in for the monthly outdoor event, the Santa Cruz Downtown Makers Market. The website scmmakersmarket.com will serve as an online gathering place for local artists and crafters. Shoppers can expect an easy to browse the gallery of artists, each with their website, Etsy store or other online shop linked to their image.

DNA’S COMEDY LAB VIRTUAL COMEDY Who says comedy has to be in-person to be funny? We can still laugh over the internet. DNA’s Comedy Lab is hosting live standup (sit down?) in online Zoom meetings, plus their open mic and Sloth Storytelling Show, all online. Visit dnascomedylab.com for more information.


PARADIGM SPORT LIVESTREAM CLASSES LIVE While we are sheltering in place, one of the best things we can do for the health of our minds is to move our bodies. When we move together as a community, connected by the desire to inspire and promote wellness, we encourage, motivate and lift each other beyond what we might think is possible. Every day at noon. 426-9500. paradigmsport.com.

BEST FACEBOOK STRATEGIES FOR BEGINNERS Social media coach Karen Kefauver is teaching the online class, via Zoom conference, “Best Facebook Strategies for Beginners.” The 45-minute class is complementary and is followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. Karen has been teaching social media marketing for business for the past 10 years and is an instructor with the Santa Cruz Small Business Development Center. For questions, email or text Karen at Karen @karenkefauver.com or 588-3232.  Noon-1pm. Thursday, April 9. 

TOADAL FITNESS ONLINE CLASSES Toadal Fitness is streaming live classes and workouts that don’t require much if any, workout equipment. You must be a member, so visit toadalfitness.com to sign up. Members can get access to classes at toadalfitness.com/online-classes to take a class. 

KIDS EXERCISE CLASS Stuck at home? Don’t let that stop your kids from getting quality exercise. Tune in for a fun, creative way to exercise at home! This class meets state curriculum guidelines for children’s physical education. Classes taught by bi-lingual trainers (English and Spanish). Our collective health is critical now more than ever! We all need to be healthy to boost our immune systems and fight this virus. We may all have to socially distance in the physical sense of the word, but we do not have to be entirely separated and isolated. All you need is a streaming device, water, wifi, and a positive attitude. Tune in to our online fitness and education sessions. Pay what you can, and together we will make a stronger, healthier, more resilient community of wellness. We hope to partner with you on your journey to optimal health to keep this going as long as possible. Please RSVP, then use this link to join our sessions: zoom.us/j/344330220. Contributions are via: Paypal: ja***@sa***********.com . Venmo: @santacruzcore. Every day at 11am. 425-9500. 


PSYCHEDELIC SCIENCE 2020 WEBINAR SERIES In this all-new online course, we’ll explore the latest advancements in psychedelic research, medicine, and policy and find out how to apply those lessons to our lives now and in the near future. In the Psychedelic Science 2020 Webinar Series, you’ll join host Bia Labate, Ph.D., and leaders of the psychedelic renaissance for insights into the latest research into the medical and therapeutic uses of MDMA, psilocybin, ketamine, and more. We’ll also get a sneak peek at key issues affecting the wider availability of psychedelics for healing and spirituality, and explore the role of psychedelics in healing trauma. In seven sessions from April 9 through May 21, you’ll learn directly from key players in psychedelic research, therapy, and advocacy about the hottest topics in the field. You’ll also get a chance to ask your questions and have them answered in real-time. The online sessions will include 60 minutes of presentations followed by 30 minutes of Q&A from the audience. Thursdays noon-1:30pm. maps.org/webinars2020. $35 single session, $150 full series. 


VIRTUAL GUIDED MEDITATION Reduce stress with meditation and maintain a healthy lifestyle during social distancing. Join us for a free virtual session. It’s been a tough week. In our lifetimes we have never faced a public health crisis like this one. As a locally-owned small business, this situation is particularly overwhelming and stressful. Yet, we are also grateful. Grateful for our amazing cohort of practitioners that want to help as many people as they can. Grateful for our dependable back office and administrative support team. And, most of all, grateful to you, our community who has helped my dream of co-creating a community of wellness become a reality. Without you, there is no Santa Cruz CORE! Please RSVP, then use this link to join our sessions: zoom.us/j/344330220. Contributions are via: Paypal: ja***@sa***********.com . Venmo: @santacruzcore. Every day at noon. 425-9500.

SANTA CRUZ DEMOCRATS MEETING ONLINE Wednesday, March 25 via Zoom: zoom.us/j/927519866 (Meeting ID: 927-519-866). Visit their website for future Zoom meetings at cruzdemocrats.org. 7pm. 

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEBINAR ON CORONAVIRUS Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce Webinar Series Coronavirus Update: What Small Businesses Need To Know Webinar. Candice Elliott is the Principal Consultant at Fortress and Flourish. She provides human resource management support for businesses and nonprofit organizations. Caleb Baskin, founder and attorney of Baskin and Fowler Caleb, is an entrepreneur at heart and in trade. He began his career as a litigator at Baskin and Grant, LLP, where he helped business owners and professionals defend and further their business interests. Since then, he has co-founded a number of companies, including Baskin and Fowler, where he represents businesses, professionals and entrepreneurs as legal counsel.Webinar Subjects: Reductions in Workforce, New FMLA/Sick Leave Laws, How to Administer FMLA Leave, CARES Act Provisions for Employees. 2-3pm. Wednesday, April 8. web.santacruzchamber.org/events/Coronavirus-Update-What-Small-Businesses-Need-to-Know-Webinar-4208/details.


THE TRUE OLIVE CONNECTION CURBSIDE PICK UP The True Olive Connection is offering curbside pick up two days a week. Two ways to make this happen, call in an order to 458-6457 or use web order, and select local pickup. Your items will be ready on the next available pickup day. 10am-2pm every Wednesday and Saturday. 

VIRTUAL WINE TASTING WITH INTEGRITY WINES Local winemaker Mark Hoover is hosting a “More Than Virtual/In-Home Tastings Series” at 1pm each Sunday until the tasting room reopens. To participate, order an in-home wine tasting kit ($30 each/$45 couples) for pick-up or delivery, then join Hoover via Zoom as he explains the different types and answers any questions. For more information, visit integrity.wine


MAH FILM NIGHT ‘RADICAL FUTURISMS PART I RESCREEN’ Join curator TJ Demos for a virtual introduction and (re)screening of films originally shown last month at the Del Mar Theater that seek to offer points of light in a dark world. How are visual artists imagining radical futures? How can the traditions of oppressed peoples become the foundation of the future? How can social justice and ecosystems flourish going forward? How can we escape our current climate of catastrophe and anxiety and instead transform the present into a radical future by asking what is “not-yet”? This will be screened online via Zoom, visit santacruzmah.org to RSVP for the link. 7-9pm. Wednesday, April 15. 

LIVE FEED FROM THE AQUARIUM It’s not recommended to go outside a lot at this time, but that doesn’t mean the outside can’t come to you. The Monterey Bay Aquarium has its live feeds up and running, from the jellies to the aviary. Log on to montereybayaquarium.org for more information.

NOON IN THE PARK Tune in to our livestream at noon! facebook.com/countyparkfriends/. Walk a walk with us; we host virtual storytimes, special guests with yoga, music and more. Everyday at noon.



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music in the park, psychedelic furs
Good Times E-edition Good Times E-edition